ar X iv : h ep - p h / 04 06 02 2 v 1 1 J un 2 00 4 A natural framework for bi - large neutrino mixing ∗
In this talk I describe a natural framework for bi-large neutrino mixing within the context of two models – 1) a simple generalization of the MSSM and 2) an SO(10) model. Our starting point is the Frampton, Glashow, Yanagida [FGY] neutrino mass ansatz which can easily accomodate bi-large neutrino mixing. The main point of FGY, however, is to obtain a theory of neutrino masses with only one possible CP violating angle. They argue that the sign of the baryon asymmetry of the universe (assuming leptogenesis) is then correlated with CP asymmetries possibly observable in accelerator experiments. Unfortunately, there is a fly in the ointment. It was later shown by Raidal and Strumia [RS] that there is a sign ambiguity which frustrates the above correlation. We note that the Raidal-Strumia ambiguity is resolved in our models.
منابع مشابه
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